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2015-12-20, xTexture is used to grab attention – to hilgihght certain elements, like titles, headings, etc. The texture directs your eye to what’s important.xTexture helps group things into logical divisions.xTexture creates an atmosphere, feeling, or identity.xTexture use should not compromise legibility.xTexture use should not be “over the top” – it should not be distracting.xTexture use should have some purpose.xTextures are chosen logically – a particular texture has some logical connection to your subject.xAlso think of your textures in terms of CARP – they should help establish: Contrast, Repetition (unity), Proximity (grouping), and maybe Alignment.It looks really good, the only thing I would change is make the names bigger.
2015-12-21, maggiesangels wrote an interesting post today onHere's a quick exprectI want to share with you my very bfunny horse/b. I’ve had Luna, an Overo Paint, for 7 years, and I was blessed for him be my very 1st bhorse/b. The only experiences I ever had with horses were on trail rides with a guide, so, this was a big b /b
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